March 9, 2023
Small Talk – Attention rip-off!
Who doesn't know those short dialogues we call "small talk" in everyday life? We need them not only at work, but at all times, in all places and in all conditions.
March 9, 2023
The high noon
Lunchtime philosophy with Stanley Kubrick, Richard Strauss, Friedrich Nietzsche and Zarathustra: take some time to philosophize with us today at noon. Put on your headphones and break into the initially dark sphere of Richard Strauss "Also sprach Zarathustra"...
March 9, 2023
Values or taboos? Ikigai or Shinigai?
Nowadays, time is more valuable than ever. Since the civil revolution, especially in the 19th century, time takes on a new meaning. It breaks away – apparently – from religious ties, becomes objectified, and in the sign of industrialization and the separation of production and consumption, it…
September 30, 2022
Elixir of success
Is there an elixir for success? How do ideas emerge and when should caution be exercised? How do you define a successful idea? What means do I need to guarantee success?
September 30, 2022
Content Creator
Everyone is a content creator nowadays. Everyone is a photographer. Everyone is a social media specialist. And finally: Everyone can push buttons. How are we different from the rest?
September 9, 2022
What era are we living in? When does modernity begin and when does it end? What are the characteristics of post-modernity and in which direction are we moving nowadays? A short introduction to literary eras.